My Basic Abs Workout
I’m only going to pressure a few ab workouts here for you’re at home exercising needs because I feel most people have a tendency to train this one specific muscle group more than they genuinely need.If there’s an lack of compound exercises in your program then setting aside an entire routine might be required. Nevertheless, I know your work outs are going to be chalk full of them compound movements, right?
Some of my favored exercises are:
Mountain Climbers
Hanging Leglifts
Rollouts (with ab wheel or stability ball)
Jack Knifes (using a stability ball)
Again, I believe that you can forego spending complete ab routines if you’re training smart during the rest of the week. In fact, you might be pleasantly surprised how easier your results be achieved if you simply scatter in an ab exercise during a workout program.
Let’s Talk Around Equipment
I’m a big fanatic of body weight training. It’s a form of strength exercising that can be done just about just about anywhere, and at anytime.